Portfolio Owners
Gain better visibility, data-driven insights, and company reports to remove disconnect between investors and startups
How it works:
Track portfolio metrics
Visualise cross-functional performance and health of all companies, in one place.
Track Key performance indicators (KPIs), Objectives, and Key Results (OKRs) on one centralised platform. This goes beyond financials, offering a comprehensive view of portfolio companies' growth, progress, and challenges. From product development to customer satisfaction, have a clear snapshot of how startups are performing across all critical areas.

One central view
Compare portfolio performance with industry standards in seconds.
Gain access to a centralised dashboard that consolidates all relevant metrics. Compare performance across companies or against industry benchmarks with ease. This streamlined, real-time data collection enables focus on top-level strategic decisions, rather than chasing down reports.
Greater alignment
Remove disconnect between portfolio companies and management regarding goals, metrics, and progress tracking.
Fosters better communication and alignment between investors and portfolio companies. By providing a transparent platform for tracking and setting objectives, both sides can stay aligned on key goals and milestones. Additionally, coaching and consulting services help portfolio companies establish effective performance tracking and execution rituals, strengthening the partnership and driving greater long-term success.